Locale con squirrelmail y horde
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r0ver: Hello. I've a problem setting squirrelmail. I configured the locale to es_ES and it doesn't work, i mean, is still in english. Any sugestion ?
r0ver: Does squirrelmail depends of locales or smt like that ? (anyways i reconfigured again and i didn't get any error msg)
V: r0ver: what SM version?
a: r0ver: yes.
a: at least reconfiguring the locales worked out for me ...
r0ver: V: 1.4.4
V: r0ver: did you install the locales pagckages?
r0ver: V: yes i did. Also the squirrelmail locales
V: r0ver: restarted apache? what distribution are you using?
r0ver: V: i did too. Sarge in a sparc :)
r0ver: V: i don't remember, but i think i'm using the .deb package... do you recomend use a tar.gz ?
V: r0ver: shouldn't matter to be honest... locales have never really been my strong point... one sec
V: r0ver: here is a few suggestions squirrelmail wiki
V: r0ver: if they don't help, you could try the -users mailing list, I know a couple of the translation team are on there
r0ver: V: thank you very much
r0ver: V: well... locale is not my strongest point also :)... in fact i've tree machines with locale problems... i think i should invest a couple of hours to solve them :)
V: I keep meaning to sit down for a bit, and learn about them ;)