Linux administrado por r0ver

Yo prefereria no hacer esto, pero es un trabajo sucio que alguien tiene que hacer... asi que las circunstancias me inducen a darme mania y administrar algun que otro linux. La idea de este blog es ir guardando preguntas/respuestas y problemas/soluciones, para no irritar a la gente que suele darme una mano, preguntandole dos veces lo mesmo :)

En el blog hay informacion en ingles de vez en cuando. Si necesitas la información en español avisame y veo de darte una mano.

viernes, marzo 18, 2005

Locale con squirrelmail y horde

No anda el soporte de espaniol en horde/imp ni squirrelmail.
Fui al canal de squirrelmail:

The topic for #squirrelmail is: Webmail for Nuts!
r0ver: Hello. I've a problem setting squirrelmail. I configured the locale to es_ES and it doesn't work, i mean, is still in english. Any sugestion ?
r0ver: Does squirrelmail depends of locales or smt like that ? (anyways i reconfigured again and i didn't get any error msg)
V: r0ver: what SM version?
a: r0ver: yes.
a: at least reconfiguring the locales worked out for me ...
r0ver: V: 1.4.4
V: r0ver: did you install the locales pagckages?
r0ver: V: yes i did. Also the squirrelmail locales
V: r0ver: restarted apache? what distribution are you using?
r0ver: V: i did too. Sarge in a sparc :)
r0ver: V: i don't remember, but i think i'm using the .deb package... do you recomend use a tar.gz ?
V: r0ver: shouldn't matter to be honest... locales have never really been my strong point... one sec
V: r0ver: here is a few suggestions squirrelmail wiki
V: r0ver: if they don't help, you could try the -users mailing list, I know a couple of the translation team are on there
r0ver: V: thank you very much
r0ver: V: well... locale is not my strongest point also :)... in fact i've tree machines with locale problems... i think i should invest a couple of hours to solve them :)
V: I keep meaning to sit down for a bit, and learn about them ;)

jueves, marzo 17, 2005

Imapd no funciona...

Dejo de andar misteriosamente. Cuando lo levanto tira:

email:/etc/init.d# ./courier-imap start
./courier-imap: line 182: IMAP_CHECK_ALL_FOLDERS:0: command not found

Solucion rapida, comente la linea IMAP_CHECK_ALL_FOLDERS en /etc/courier/imapd.

sábado, marzo 05, 2005

Problemas para iniciar Apache2

Mmmm... algo raro pasa aca. Intento levantar apache2:

./apache2 start
Starting web server: Apache2apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

A ver...

# netstat -atn | grep 80
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Ahhh... parece que hay ya hay alguien escuchando en mi puerto 80.... veamos quien es. Corro links para ver que hay ne localhost:

Welcome to your T E M P O R A R Y homepage!

This is a placeholder page installed by the Debian release of the Caudium Web server package, because no home page was installed on this host. You may want to replace this as soon as possible with your own web pages, of course....

Ahhh... ahora recuerdo... accidentalmente debo haber instalado ayer... hice algo con apt y creo que aprete enter en algo que parecia la configuracion de un servidor de web. Asi que es este caudium.

What are Caudium's Benefits?
  • Performance: Caudium is a non-forking monolithic web server. Most web servers, like Apache 1.3, fork processes to keep up with demand, creating a less scalable solution when a sudden burst of traffic hits your web site.
    An optional multi-threaded mode further increases performance especially when dealing with dynamically generated pages.

Mmmm... la gran sandstorm ?. Se volverá cosa del pasado el "efecto slashdot" ?. Bueno, por suerte mis sitios no sufren de tales males :), asi que por ahora me quedo con apache, aunque esto parece interesaaaaaaante.

viernes, marzo 04, 2005


No andan... en dos maquinas distintas tengo un problema similar. Resulta que cuando quiero abrir un .php apache no se da cuenta que lo quiere ejecutar. Estoy leyendo el manual de php a ver si ayuda.